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The First Steps

We finally received the okay to start making phone calls and scheduling interviews. Initially I was pretty nervous. Sending an email was not too difficult; it was moreover the actual act of picking up a phone, dialing a number, and talking to another person that was intimidating to me. However, after the first call, it became easier. It is sometimes difficult when the person on the other end of the line is quiet and non responsive. Particularly with doctors' secretaries, they are not accustomed to getting such a phone call and often times they are unsure of how to respond. It is important that I do not let conversation just stall and keep it moving along. I tried contacting doctors at UT Southwestern and Cooks Children's Hospital. In addition to making these phone calls, I emailed several pediatric neurosurgeons and neurologists. Although some replied back enthusiastically, I realize that doctors lead extremely busy lives and it is very difficult to schedule research interviews with them. Nonetheless, I already have my 1st interview scheduled and am going to work diligently to get more interviews in the weeks to come.

One other thing I focused on this past week was shaking the hands of all the Assistant Principals and the Principal and introducing myself to them. Other than this past week, I do not think I have ever even talked to these individuals who play such a crucial role in making sure our school runs smoothly. It was interesting getting to talk to them and although it was somewhat nerve-racking to go up to them, they were all sociable and kind. The biggest thing I have learned is that once you make that first step to go and say hi, the rest will come easily and naturally.
