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Research Showcase

Final Display Board at Research Showcase
Research Showcase took place on December 16th and I think it is safe to say that it was quite a success. Although my mentor was unable to come, the night was memorable for quite a few reasons. For starters, Research Showcase was the first time I was able to truly present all the research and work I have done over the past few months to people other than my peers. I estimate that I talked to over 60 people that night and though at the end of the night my feet were sore and my voice was hoarse, I was pleased. In every conversation that I had, I was able to share information about pediatric neurosurgery and, from what I could gather, I did so in a way that was interesting but not confusing. I had a model of the brain on the display table and I would reference that as well as diagrams on my board when explaining certain conditions and this seemed to help those I talked with understand exactly what I was describing. One of my favorite parts about this night was being able to share with friends, family, and teachers what I have learned thus far. I have mentioned ISM to them before but this was the first time that they were able to actually see what I have done. But moreover than that, the feedback I got was both uplifting and encouraging. Often times in ISM, it is easy to get buried under the assignments and deadlines and projects, and sometimes it is only when others point it out or when I force myself to take a step back and look at all that I have done that I realize how remarkable this journey has been. And the most exciting part is that I know the best is yet to come.
