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Time Management is Key

It is so easy to get overwhelmed by the business of life. This past week was extremely busy for me from having 2 interviews to the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast to running a blood drive to catching up on make-up work. If there is one thing I have learned in ISM is that managing time efficiently is the difference between succeeded in life and falling way behind. This past week served as a friendly reminder that I really need to make sure that I do not wait till the last second to get things done but that I make a schedule and stick to it. I would be kidding myself if I thought that things were going to get easier from here on out. If anything, it is going to get even more busy and I had better figure a system out quickly before I drive myself to the point of insanity.
This coming week, we will be working on our display boards. I am considering changing my board from last year but the thought of having to remake it entirely is also quite daunting. In addition to that, we are beginning to prepare for our Research Speeches and writing up our Original Work proposals. I am actually meeting with Dr. Weprin tomorrow and we will be discussing what projects I will tackle this coming year.
