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Let's Do It Better

My last few research assessments focused heavily on brain tumors and the reason for that is because my Original Work is more than likely going to focus on the growth and spread of brain tumors. Though I did some basic research on this topic last year, I felt I needed to refresh my memory and perhaps even dig a little bit deeper in regards to what causes/prevents tumor growth. I am currently in the process of drafting my proposal for this project.  Later on this week, I will be giving my Research Speech in ISM. It will be about 10 minutes long and cover a lot of what I have learned thus far, specifically in relation to my interviews and research. I do not want my speech to be a boring presentation but rather intriguing. I realize that using huge medical terms or going in-depth into my research will more than likely lose a huge percentage of my audience so I must figure out a way in which I can convey what I have learned in a simplistic but informative manner.  As I begin my mentorship again this year, a question I have been asking
myself is: how is this year going to be better? I had an incredible experience last year and learned so much, but I do not want merely a repeat of last year -- I want to learn even more, push myself even further, and, overall, have an even more incredible journey.
