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Looking Ahead

It is crazy how Final Presentation Night is less than two months away. It seems the time has just flown by and the end is in sight. This past week I focused on brainstorming ideas for my final product. To some degree, being in the medical field does not allow for a whole lot of creativity or spontaneity. I decided to base my Final Product off of what I did for my Original Work, which was a statistical analysis of the incidences of hydrocephalus in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex. After talking to my mentor, I have decided to take this analysis one step further. For my Original Work, I analyzed one aspect of the hydrocephalus - the type. However, for Final Product, what I intend to do is analyze multiple aspects such as recovery period, age, gender, doctor, etc. This is quite more laborious than my Original Work and with that in mind, I hope to begin work on my Final Product very soon.
