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(Not a) Future Pediatric Neurosurgeon?

Over the past two years or so, I have come to learn quite a bit about the field of pediatric neurosurgery. From intensively researching hydrocephalus to seeing tumor resections, I think it is safe to say that I have been exposed to a considerable amount within this field. However, I have always felt that something was missing. On a personal level, I have always had more of a missionary mind-set. A few weeks, I reached out to medical missionaries all across the United States and was able to interview two of them. To my memory, I cannot remember an interview that left me feeling more happier than that one. Throughout the entire conversation, I could not help but identify and sympathize with everything that was being said. The passion for helping others was so evident in their responses and it excited me. As a person of faith, I have always been curious to see if it was possible to tie together my passion for my faith with my passion for medicine and helping people. It was not until recently that I even considered medical missionary as a potential career but as I have explored it more, it seems as if there would be no other job that suits me so perfectly. This being said, for my Original Work, I have decided to take a different approach that what I had initially planned. Through my interview, I became more aware of the fact that there is an immense need for safe and affordable surgical procedures in developing countries. With this as my basis, I want to explore more comprehensively what is lacking within low and middle income countries in regards to health care systems. This will help me better understand what kind of services I would be providing if I do indeed decide to venture down the path of medical missions.
