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Can I Please Have a Moment to Breathe?

Coming into March, I knew it would be extremely busy. The first weekend I had a college interview. The second weekend, I was helping run an event for international students at UTD. The third weekend, I was in Oklahoma being a small group leader for a church camp. The fourth weekend, I was attending a missions seminar and we had family coming in from out of town. Add school and volunteering and various other responsibilities to the mix, and it seemed like I was bound to fall apart at any moment. Idleness has never been a word in my dictionary and I have always lived a relatively fast paced lifestyle. However, this past month, I wondered if perhaps I was being stretched too thin. It seemed like the list of tasks I needed to accomplish would never end - for every one thing I managed to finish, another two were added. This past week especially has been a struggle for me. Not only physically exhausted, but also mentally. My steam has begun to run out and it is difficult for me to remember that there is any purpose to any of this.
I think my lack of motivation was evident. Last week, Mr. Wysong pulled me aside and for lack of better word, gave me a "pep talk." He reminded me that there were people watching me and looking up to me. If I gave up now, not only would I disappoint those around me, but I would be failing myself. He challenged me to find the strength within me to give everything I had and finish strong. With less than 70 days left till graduation, it blows my mind that the end is actually within sight. However, between today and June 4th lie AP exams, and Final Presentation Night, and Final Product.  Though these last few months will be incredibly testing, I know that if I do not give it my all, I will later regret it.
