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Perspective Change

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to help put together stockings filled with all sorts of goodies to be distributed to patients at Children's Medical Center on Christmas Day. Now, some people may question why on earth I gave up a few hours of my weekend to volunteer when I had so many other things to do. I suppose it is all about perspective. We were discussing a very similar topic in ISM today -- making an impact on the lives of those around you. Often times, we get so busy and caught up in our own lives that we fail to remember those that are around us. My ISM journey has been a study on pediatric neurosurgery, but I have learned so many more life lessons along the way and I truly believe that this has been one that has truly influenced my perspective. It is extremely easy for me to go about my day, focused only on the long lists of tasks that I must accomplish. Mayor's Youth Council. Empower. Junior Leadership Board. College Apps. Tests. Projects. Mentor Visits. Church. Family. Needless to say, trying to juggle all my responsibilities is quite an act. However, more important than any of that, is prioritizing being of service to others. As Mr. Wysong pointed out today, when people pass away, those gathered at their funeral don't remember the projects or test grades that person may have done or attained - rather they remember how that particular person made them feel. Our challenge for this week is to make every effort to make an impact on those around us - whether it be through something as small as a smile or opening the door. I want to be someone that people remember as an individual who always went above and beyond to help meet the needs of those around her.
