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Take a Breath...

After quite a busy and hectic week with Original Work, last week was somewhat of a break -- something that is supposedly indicative of how the next few weeks are going to be like. Other than an a written assessment, there was not a lot of work that we did. I am currently talking with my mentor about what my Final Product will be. Initially it was going to be very similar to my Original Work, just in depth but now I am curious as to what other options I might be able to pursue. Unfortunately, I am still not cleared for surgery or shadowing, which is quite frustrating because I would like to actually get a hands on experience. However, if anything, I am learning to be patient.
This coming week, I am going to give a 20 to 25 minute presentation about everything that I done along my ISM journey thus far and I have to admit, I am a little intimidated. I know what I want to include, but organizing it in a comprehensible and engaging major is much easier said than done. For the next few weeks, I am going to focus on simply enjoying my mentorship and exploring all that it has to offer.
